Create the best Digital strategy with us!

Every minute thousands of people are looking for a solution to their problems. And it is at this exact moment that your company must be ready, offering the lead/user everything they need. 
Here at weeon, our team is active in developing and executing strategies for your company.

Much more than buying media

Plan and launch Campaign

Creating a plan to target the right audience and bringing the greatest results possible.

Tagging Results

We install tags to track conversions. This allows us to know where the leads come from and to do a proper campaign`s updates.

Financial Management

Analyzing the campaign`s results and understanding which one is generating better results, we often distribute the investments with precision until it works a 100%. We never stop upgrading.

Monthly Monitoring

Receive monthly report of all the preview information (leads, new clients, number of clicks, conversions) and all the investments made so you can understand and see the entire evolution of the campaign.

We would like to know more about your company. Fill Up all the information bellow so we can get in touch.

Common questions

To know how much each company should invest in Google Ads, some factors must be taken into consideration. The main influencers are: region that will be advertised, product segment, size of competition, keywords that will be used and customer objective.
We recommend an analysis by a specialist to suggest an amount that should be invested by your company.

CTR is the result of clicks divided by fall, giving us an idea of ​​the percentage of people who saw the ad and ended up clicking on it.

A great CTR increases the quality score of the campaign, and the higher this quality, Google will understand that you are also concerned about end customer satisfaction, and it is useful for your ads to apply more times and in better positions for a lower price. of the auction, this way, we will be able to increase visits to your website without having to increase investment.

with the tag installed correctly, the account manager will be able to measure which keywords, ads, cities, times and more that obtained the most offers (sales or contacts) through Google Adwords campaigns, thus being able to optimize in a way more effective to further increase campaign performance

Google AdWords is a very complete tool when it comes to the number of strategies that can be used to achieve client goals. With our Google training and experience with the tool, the maturation time for a campaign takes around 3 to 4 months, so that the results become overwhelming. This does not prevent good results during the maturation period.

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